Terms & conditions

  • Pricing - Our mobile service prices are the same as in-store prices. Orders can be a combination of alterations and dry cleaning. Click Here to see our extremely competitive prices.
  • Appointments - We have 2 types of appointments; standard and window appointments. Standard appointments are regular appointments at your chosen day/time. Window appointments are flexible and will be within a 2 hour time-window that you choose.
  • Payment - Invoices can be paid online before delivery or at the drop off time via Eftpos/Card or Cash to ensure customer satisfaction. We do not collect/Store any credit card details. If you are not going to be home for delivery and would like us to leave your garment at your designated area please make sure payment is made before delivery, otherwise delivery can not be made and a re-delivery fee of $25.00 will apply.
  • Re-Delivery - $25.00 surcharge will apply if you miss your delivery. We can always pick-up and drop off your items at a designated spot if you will not be home for the delivery and agree to it at time of booking.
  • Quotes - You can always contact us for quotes on orders you are not sure about.
  • Quality 100% Guaranteed - Opal is the highest rated Alterations and Dry Cleaning service provider in Canberra, customer satisfaction is our top priority. Thank you.

Book a pickup

Book a pickup

Terms & Conditions
  • Pricing - Our mobile service prices are the same as in-store prices. Orders can be a combination of alterations and dry cleaning.
  • Appointments - We have 2 types of appointments; standard and window appointments. Standard appointments are regular appointments at your chosen day/time. Window appointments are more flexible and will be within a 2 hour time-window that you choose.
  • Payment - Invoices can be paid online before delivery or at the drop off time via Eftpos/Card or Cash to ensure customer satisfaction. If you are not going to be home for delivery and would like us to leave your garment at your designated area please make sure payment is made before delivery, otherwise delivery can not be made and a re-delivery fee will apply.
  • Re-Delivery - $15 delivery fee will apply for re-delivery. We can always pick-up or drop off your items at a designated spot if you will not be home for the appointment and agree to it at the time of booking.
  • Quality 100% Guaranteed - Opal Alterations is the highest rated Alterations and Dry Cleaning service provider in Canberra, customer satisfaction is our top priority.

Book a pickup